1. Analytics on Vegetation and Soil Index Time-series: Analytics and change detection on time-series of vegetation and soil indices

This service aims to provide customised, user-defined analytics based on Earth observation (EO) data, focusing on vegetation status, phenological stages, soil condition, soil exposure, and Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) practices monitoring. By analysing long time series of vegetation indices, we can identify crop-specific growth trends, detect changes, and track phenological phases. The task also includes delivering soil specific indicators to assess soil health and address challenges like soil erosion, aligning with CAP objectives and complying with statutory management requirements (SMRs) and good agricultural and environmental conditions (GAECs).
The generated analytics aim to support sustainable soil management strategies and facilitate compliance with CAP regulations. Furthermore, the product provides multidimensional time-space statistics and insightful plots/graphics for effective monitoring and evaluation purposes.

2. Cultivated crop type maps

We develop and test machine learning-based processing chains for accurately classifying different crop types in specific AoIs using the LPIS data provided by users. This classification is used to monitor products related to crop diversification, permanent grassland identification, and more. The cultivated crop type maps are continuously updated and delivered dynamically to users with new satellite acquisitions.

3. Grassland mowing events detection

Detecting mowing events is a crucial component for monitoring farmers' compliance with CAP's environmental and climate requirements and maintaining permanent grasslands. This solution enables the quantification of grassland activity at a national scale, providing valuable insights into agricultural practices.

 4. Soil condition monitoring

The service aims to provide accurate estimations of top-soil qualitative Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) at the parcel level.

5. Monitoring organic farming requirements

The Organic crop monitoring product offers an automated service to accurately distinguish between organic and conventional crops, providing valuable insights into farming practices. In addition, this product enables crop growth monitoring, including the assessment of crop status, estimation of Leaf Area Index (LAI), above-ground biomass, and yield estimation.