The ENVISION Lighthouse customers are not members of the consortium and are participating in ENVISION voluntarily. They can benefit from the ENVISION services for the effective monitoring of CAP environmental requirements and agricultural certification requirements. They will be acquainted with the ENVISION platform and services and test specific features of the services on a small scale.
ENVISION Lighthouse Customers are:
- Agricultural Paying Agency (APA)
- Swedish Board of Agriculture (SBA)
- Danish Agricultural Agency (DAA)
- State Agricultural Intervention Fund (SZIF)
- Executive Agency Certification Audit of European Agricultural Funds (CAAF)
- Agency of Paying and Intervention for Agriculture (APIA)
- Institute of Agriculture and Forestry Murska Sobota
- Organic Certification Body ECOVIVENDI (EV)
- ECOCERT Balkan
- Inspection Institute for Organic Products “BIO Hellas” (BIO)
- Inspection and Certification Organisation “TÜV HELLAS” (TUV)