Dr. Jason Beedell
Dr. Jason Beedell is a director in Strutt & Parker’s research department and supports the firm’s rural team with information and analysis.Strutt & Parker is a private organisation that manages @ 1.5m acres of land and buildings on behalf of clients in Great Britain. He is a Chartered Surveyor and represents the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors on the UK government’s external working group on the Rural Development Programme for England. He is a nationally recognised commentator on rural issues, particularly rural property markets and CAP reform. He has lead multi-disciplinary research teams on a wide range of subjects, including the rural economy, rural housing, property markets and environmental policies.

Bernisa Klepo
Bernisa Klepo currently work as Certification Manager at Organska Kontrola, EC recognized certification body from Sarajevo, B&H.
Her key areas of expertise are organic inspection and certification where she has more than 10 years of experience.

Grega Milcinski
Grega Milcinski is a co-founder of Sinergise, the company best known for Sentinel Hub - their satellite imagery processing service, which handles half a billion of requests every month, distributed to several hundreds of thousands of users worldwide. The company is also focused to Common Agriculture Policy field, developing applications and services used in several member states and candidate countries.

Traianos Terzis
Traianos Terzis is an agriculturalist, manager at Pest and Fertilizers Department of Agricultural Cooperation of Pella.
He is also responsible for the implementation of European programs, as well as responsible for the implementation of the quality programs in the two main crops of the cooperative, peaches-nectarines and cotton.

Lies Bamelis
Lies works as a consultant with a focus on innovations and innovative companies. Her engineering and technical background helps her to better implement and understand the legal framework within which her clients have to operate. In general, most of the innovations that Lies supports can be linked to circular economy, reuse of water and agriculature.

Christos Bacharakis
As the Code Contributor Program Manager, he is responsible for enabling members from the wider GitLab community to contribute code to GitLab.

Matteo Metta
Matteo Metta is specialised in CAP and its monitoring and evaluation. Currently, he is undertaking his Ph.D. research on digital agriculture and rural sociology. He works for the think tank ARC2020.eu as CAP policy analyst.